Impact of Weather on Your Roof

Though our roofs provide us with protection from harsh elements, weather conditions can have an enormous effect on their durability and lifespan.

Weather events that often cause damage include wind, rain, snow and extreme heat. All of these can have disastrous results on roofing structures and materials.

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Homeowners typically think about weather as having an effect on their roof when considering tornadoes and hurricanes; however, high winds can also cause significant damage.

Wind is an organic process caused by sunlight absorbing unevenly across Earth’s surface and its uneven distribution of heat, creating uneven pressure areas across its surface that induce air movement from higher pressure areas towards lower pressure areas causing pressure forces that force upward air movement away from low-pressure regions and create windstorms.

Wind can have devastating consequences for any roof, from lifting and ripping off individual shingles to creating gaps that allow rain or snow to get inside and cause costly damage to your home.


A properly constructed roof should withstand the elements, but that doesn’t guarantee it won’t sustain damage from heavy rainfall. Even well-built homes have weak spots on their rooftops that heavy rain can expose.

Heavy rainfall has an enormously detrimental impact on roofs. Sometimes the most serious effects don’t become evident until much later; so it is wise to have it checked and maintained by qualified professionals regularly.

Heavy rain can severely damage your roof in several ways, most notably by causing water damage, including leaks that are both irritating and expensive to fix. Furthermore, heavy rainfall may also expand and crack your structure requiring replacement altogether – so investing in an affordable weatherproofing solution now could save costly repairs in the future.


Snow and ice can be more than an inconvenience; they can have serious repercussions for your roof’s safety and integrity. Knowing what type of impact winter weather could have is essential for ensuring the security and integrity of your property.

Snowfall accumulation on your roof can do considerable damage if left to accumulate over time. Fresh snow typically weighs five pounds per cubic foot while packed snow can weigh as much as 20 or more.

Your roof may crack and collapse over time depending on its climate, leading to leaks and health risks if left unaddressed.

If you have noticed sagging beams and other structural indicators of snow damage on your roof, it would be prudent to contact a professional as soon as possible in order to restore its structure and avoid costly repairs later. Doing this may save time and money in repairs down the line.


Weather can have a major impact on your roof. From hail and snowfall, to high levels of rainfall and heatwaves, harsh conditions can damage and weaken roofing materials, leading to possible leakage or degradation.

Sun exposure on the other hand, can deplete oils that protect and lubricate materials that comprise your roof, leading them to crack or bleach. Furthermore, prolonged sun exposure may cause your shingles to lose color and decrease their ability to reflect sunlight away from your home and keep it cooler.

An unshaded roof can reach temperatures between 65 and 90 deg C during the summer. At these temperatures, asphalt shingles may disintegrate quickly, speeding up their aging process.

High temperatures can exacerbate condensation issues and drive up cooling energy costs as well as your carbon footprint. They may also weaken roofing shingles and supporting structures, leaving gaps for water entry into the roof structure.